What a year it's been! Things started off with a bang when on January 22nd Jesika and I headed to the University of North Carolina hospital.
Next thing we knew...what once was two, now was three. Our little family became slightly bigger. We welcomed our little angel Bree Elizabeth into the world early the next morning.
She has been an absolute joy and light in our home every day since...even during those first few weeks of sleepless nights.
Well...they say time fies when you're having fun. Nobody ever told us it would go as fast as it has. In the short eight months since Bree arrived, our lives have been full of adventure. We spent a few days in the nation's capital, where we learned that sometimes you have to be creative to find places to feed your baby...Jesika made due with a park bench on the mall and on the bathroom floor of the national gallery of art amongst other places.

Early in May, we packed up and headed to St. George. We spent the summer there with family while I worked with Intermountain Healthcare. Bree loved being with family...and they loved being with her!
Summer time was a blast! We started off by taking a quick trip to the island of Kauai. It was Bree's first time seeing the ocean, swimming, walking in sand, etc... She loved it. It also gave me and Jesika a chance to work on our tan-lines. Jesika didn't need much help. As you can see from these pictures...she's a total babe!

We would pick matching flowers on our way to breakfast for Mom and Bree to wear. Fun trip! Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!

After getting home, we had a party at the Ranch to share pictures and memories! Bree showed off her hula!