Bree was just as excited to see everyone as they were to see her!
She even gave uncle Adam kisses! We started off our vacation in Provo with Robbie's family. One of our first stops was to the restaraunt we have been missing the most...Bajio!!
Bree LOVES black beans...even though they leave a little mexi-goatee!
We have been teaching Bree baby sign language and it was so fun to watch her start using her signs! Her first word and sign happened this trip and was "dog"... She loved the Harmon's dog Libby! Every morning she would wake up and do the sign for dog and say, "dog, dog".
One of Bree's favorite parts of being in Northern Utah was the SNOW!!
It was so beautiful at the Harmon's ranch in Southfork Canyon. We wish we could have spent more time there!
Bree loved eating the
snow so much that we brought some in the house for her!

Christmas Eve was interesting because Robbie, his mom and I were all sick! We'll spare you the details, but let's just say it was out one end for some and out the other for others! We're greatful Bree didn't get sick though. And by Christmas morning we were all mostly better.
One of Bree's new favorite toys was a stroller! She did laps around the house every day, only stopping to say hi to the dog, or to climb up and down the stairs!
She also got lots of cute new clothes, including this pretty dress... is she smiling because she's cute or because she's with uncle Tanner?
But as you can see her favorite thing about Christmas morning was the wrapping!
The day after Christmas we headed down to St. George for more Christmas fun!

We started off with a fun
fondu dinner, which is a Henderson Christmas Eve tradition. They had waited for us to have Christmas, so we got TWO Christmas days this year!
Bree loved the new wagon she got from Grandma and Grandpa Henderson and pushed it around like her stroller. But she also loved when Uncle Mike pushed HER around in it!
Bree learned some new things in St. George: to do a fish face...