So I am getting quite anxious for Fall to's been so nice these past couple of weeks with tons of rain and cooler weather. I love it! We love being outside any chance we get. One nice thing about being outside though, is that Bree can't get into stuff! She loves mommy's lip-stick...
And has recently began wanting to wear mommy's earings...
She even got into my knitting yarn (darn it Mom, Liz, and Sarah...I guess I can't finish that scarf!) After a good rain we get a huge puddle right next to our building.
It's so fun!!
But probably Bree's favorite thing is her new little toilet. She would sit on it all day if I would let her. Of course only once has something come out (and she was completely surprised!), but it's been fun for her to get excited about potty training...which we'll attempt next month. Oh and we can't forget her other favorite thing to do, especially first thing in the morning, "rocky rocky"! Oh life is SO FUN with Bree!