Just wanted to say how grateful I am for this beautiful time of year. I am so grateful for my knowledge of Jesus Christ. My life is blessed every day because of him. We really tried this Easter week to focus on our Savior...on Wednesday we went to the Mesa Temple Easter Pageant, which is a huge production about the life, death and resurrection of Christ. It was so neat, and really well done, but the best part was watching the eyes of my sweet children, and the questions they asked about Jesus. "Why didn't everyone believe him when he only did good things?" asked by Bree. The only answer I had was I don't know, because that is something I wonder too. We had a birthday dinner for Jesus on Friday (April 6th)...and instead of singing Happy Birthday (which didn't quite seem apropriate) after going around the table and sharing something we love about him we sang He Sent His Son. It was actually really neat, and really helped us think of Christ all weekend.
We did an Easter Egg hunt and breakfast with the neighborhood, had some good Saturday work (removed an area with rocks and put in a sand box! Thanks daddy!), and Robbie and the kids even jumped in the pool! (Air is nice, but the water is freezing!) Then today we enjoyed a beautiful Sunday. We did an Easter Scavenger Hunt through the house that led the kids to a little Easter gift from Robbie and I. The kids loved it. But my "Easter dinner" didn't turn out so hot: deviled eggs were too salty, broccoli had gone bad so I made some brussel sprouts but they were gross...well because I had to boil them because they were frozen but then tried to saute them to taste like I usually make them...but they tasted like drowned, burnt mini cabbages. Robbie pulled out a great accent however pretending he was from "Brussels" and got the kids to eat them. So it was totally worth it. It was histerical :) I love that man! And of course he said the dinner was delicious.

All in all, it was a great weekend. Happy Easter!