Happy Mother's Day! The number one reason I love being a mother is because it means I married Robbie Harmon...SO AMAZING! I still can't believe that I get to be his wife. We celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary a couple weekends ago (surprised me with an overnight trip to the beautiful Pointe Hilton in Phoenix! We walked into our room and there were two dozen amazing lavender roses surrounded by five pair of white shoes...from which I could pick :) I have been needing some new white dressy shoes and he totally went and picked a whole bunch out! And did an impressive job! Oh it was such a fun get away!). Our friends the Nelsons (love you guys!) watched our children...we watched their four children the weekend before so they could do the same thing (well I should say I watched them cause Robbie was on a campout with the scouts...yes, me and seven children under the age of 7 for 18 hours! It was memorable for sure. But SO worth it once we got to go on our overnight excursion!). Reasons two, three and four that I adore Mother's Day are these smiling faces...Bree, Gabe and McKay. The most wonderful children in the world.

Bree I love your sweet voice and that you got up in front of the whole Relief Society today at church and sang, "I Love To See The Temple" with a beautiful smile on your face and even if you were nervous! I love that you love to dance...and are getting so good with your kicks and cartwheels and arabesque and holding passe for so long! I love how you are always so willing to help with your brothers, who love you so much. You are are such a good example to them. I love how you remember to pray for people. I love how you love to help me cook. I love that you love to pose for pictures like I used to when I was five. (In this picture I had my phone and she says "Mom take a picture!" and strikes this pose :) I love how excited you were to have a mommy daughter date while the boys were camping and that we got to watch "girl" movies. I love you Bree.

Gabe I love your big smile! I love how good you are at riding your two wheeler without training wheels. I love how excited you were to go with daddy on the Fathers and Sons campout. I love that you love to help me cook. I love that you love babies and are so sweet around them. I love that you still can't say the "F" sound. I love that you are learning your letters and how much you love school time with mommy. I love that you love to cuddle. I love how "super" is your favorite adjective. I love you my sweet boy.

McKay I love that you are learning to walk! I love that you go crazy to go outside. I love that you love my soups. I love that you love your daddy so much. I love that you love to dance! I love that you say hi to people in the store with a huge smile. I love that you love to cuddle before bed. I love that you love your blanket and will nap anywhere. I love your teeth. I love your chubby-ness. I love that you want to do everything that your brother and sister do. I just love you McKay!
I am SO blessed to be a mother. It is truly the best job in the world. Happy Mother's Day to my wonderfully amazing mother, my mother-in-law, sisters, and all of the dear friends I look up to so much!